
This endpoint contains information about univeristy professors and the courses they have taught. You can look up professors by name, department, or course.


semester – a six-digit string <year><month>. For example, “201401” for 2014’s Winter semester or “201508” for 2015’s Fall semseter.

See for a list of available semesters.

Courses Endpoint

This endpoint contains information about univeristy professors and the courses they have taught. You can look up professors by name, department, or course.


semester – a six-digit string <year><month>. For example, “201401” for 2014’s Winter semester or “201508” for 2015’s Fall semseter.

See for a list of available semesters.

Courses Endpoint

Searching professors

Returns: a Paginated array of Professor objects.


sort – specify the field to sort professors by. Professors can either be sorted by name or departments. Defaults to ASCENDING order, use a - prefix to sort by DESCENDING order. For example, ?sort=-departments will sort by departments in DESCENDING order.

To search for professors, each property can be used as a parameter. For example, to search for all professors in the CMSC department in the Spring of 2016, the query would look like ?semester=201601&departments=CMSC. Separate values by commas to search for multiple values for a specific field.

See the Professor object for a full list of available properties.

Request: GET,BMGT&sort=-name Trimmed Response:

    "name": "Zhi-Long Chen",
    "semester": "201608",
    "courses": [
    "name": "Zeinab Karake",
    "semester": "201608",

Returns: a Paginated array of Professor objects.


sort – specify the field to sort professors by. Professors can either be sorted by name or departments. Defaults to ASCENDING order, use a - prefix to sort by DESCENDING order. For example, ?sort=-departments will sort by departments in DESCENDING order.

To search for professors, each property can be used as a parameter. For example, to search for all professors in the CMSC department in the Spring of 2016, the query would look like ?semester=201601&departments=CMSC. Separate values by commas to search for multiple values for a specific field.

See the Professor object for a full list of available properties.

Request: GET,BMGT&sort=-name Trimmed Response:

    "name": "Zhi-Long Chen",
    "semester": "201608",
    "courses": [
    "name": "Zeinab Karake",
    "semester": "201608",

The professor object

The professor object represents a UMD professor. The properties of a professor are:

name – the name of a professor as it appears on Testudo..

courses – An array of courses that the professor has taught in the given semester.

departments – An array of the departments a professor has taught in the given semester.

semester – Six-digit number identifying the semester the course is offered.

Sample professor object

  "name": "Mark Wellman",
  "semester": "201608",
  "courses": [
  "departments": [

The professor object represents a UMD professor. The properties of a professor are:

name – the name of a professor as it appears on Testudo..

courses – An array of courses that the professor has taught in the given semester.

departments – An array of the departments a professor has taught in the given semester.

semester – Six-digit number identifying the semester the course is offered.

Sample professor object

  "name": "Mark Wellman",
  "semester": "201608",
  "courses": [
  "departments": [